Latest From The Blog
Mother Earth’s Teachings
Mother Earth’s Teachings on living in harmony, reciprocity and honouring cycles of nature.
The Gatherings Are Coming
I have broken out of my shell at last A duck egg mottle of blue and gold Within the shine, the safe, encircled Without the fear, our world, its temptations Breaking out of this fragile edge Into rainbows, and puddles Sunshine and forests Where once were floods Are now...
Psychotherapy and the Earth – A Form of Healing for Ourselves and the Planet
‘We are holy, and we are whole’… For more years than I care to remember, I have been a psychotherapist, counsellor, healer, and creative being. I have been so very glad of my skills and empathy, having met and supported many thousands of beautiful people, and enabled...
The Earth Is Our Teacher
Here on this planet we call earth, we are at a crossroads. Truly! We can either learn to live well on this planet in harmony with her. Or we can continue on our trajectory of ignorance. We can either listen deeply to her lessons and take stock of our role...
Poems for Mother Gaia April 2020 2.
Longing... I feelFulsome mother's heart-beatEntwine mycrucible wombWith soft love kisses. This jaded bodyUntwistsLoosensTears dropWithEchoes ofTemple beauty. My DNABorn of Apollo's bloodLived in the timeOf Patriarchy's holdCarries belovedSacred unionDeep withinHer...
Poems for Mother Gaia April 2020 1.
Vision Here a vision..Stands GrandmotherWith GrandfatherBetween them all life...The eternal dance ofCircles within cyclesA still pointOf earth's beautyKissing me in awe. Anna Grace-Jacobs 17.04.2020 Art work with grateful thanks to Josephine Wall
The Culture of Honour is Returning!
Let the culture of honour return! As a woman of elder years... to be honoured and respected is something I hold dear... it is not typical in this world, to honour an elder - even a woman who has had many successes - and certainly not for her beauty, or sexuality or...
Sacred Woman Rising
If you happen to find yourself on the pathway to my door, hesitating, unsure…. humming a tune of soft nectar, wondering how it can be, you lived without your truth for so long……know that you are on the right journey, I am joyous of your arrival, this way has been...
Reclaiming Our Sacred Ground as Women
Dear Beloveds This is a post for women – and for the men who support us, a big thankyou! You have a role to play too. Over the last few weeks I have been facing some gremlins! Shadows of my past that have been limiting me and stopping me doing my sacred...
Oh How We Bleed
The suffering ofAncient onesLeaking out ofDark moist forestsTo populate newRed deserts.Oh how we bleedAs waters dry upFaint ones gaspingFor survivalOh how we bleedAs our earth, beholdenReaches out her armsFor new rich soilTo nourish her babies.Oh how we bleedAs...
Blessings to all grandmothers…
Dear Beloveds I have recently been blessed with a new role ; that of becoming a grandmother, a crone of ancient times who has a child of my lineage. I am in such awe at this role and have been reflecting on the meaning for me at this time in my life, for it...
Life is for Living
When I was younger, I used to be an observer of life. I would watch life go by, watch others seemingly living their lives to the full, following their passion or their path, and I wondered what that was like. I did not seem to have the capacity to be in my life...
Ancestral Clearing – To Find Our Radiant Self on this Equinox New Moon
Dear Beloveds As promised, here is the next blog based on some of my channelled and visioned experience – and a gentle reminder of some of the groups and offerings I have available for you, particularly if you live in the UK! ( 22nd Sept and 1st Oct are my next events...
To the Hurt Woman Within Us All
Deep in my cellular soulLies a torn memoryOf hurt and painHIdden from viewMy female ancestorsWind their tendrilsOf shame-blameAround my heartRotten stemsOf browned slimy touchSting my pure heartInto wide-eyed wakening.Who am I to feelSuch vitriolic angerWho am I to...
Be Whole Now!
Photo Copyright © Venetia Amorel We are living in unprecedented times. We are being asked to step up as never before and face such chaos and confusion within our world, within our relationships, within ourselves that we are challenged, and shaken deep to our core....
Happy Equinox
Dearest beloveds Happy Equinox to you all – what does this mean to you? For me the equinox is a gateway into the divinity of nature – our new growth within and without, that seed of burgeoning life which is my vital sense of self, and which is expressed outwardly in...
The Body is a Portal to the Soul
Today I had a most spectacular New Moon Meditation – if that is what it can be called. I felt my body on fire – I felt my energy expand beyond belief- I felt a flow of such joyous and vibrant energy it was hard to contain it – in fact I moved, and danced a little, as...
Surrendering To What Is…
Dear Beloveds Today, and for the past few days I have been in solitary retreat on what I will call a healing crisis. At first this was not by choice…this is often the way when life becomes too busy. My body had been calling me home for a week or two but I...
Fire of the Dragon
Is blowing tonightIn my solar plexusFor a fierce blastOrange furnacedHas come my way.I no longer shrinkFrom the agony of heatWhich could burnMy female tendernessTo a shrivel of dust.NONow I am firm of feetStrong of wombLoud of voiceOpen of heartMother earth supports...
Relating to the Masculine Within and Without
With thanks to Aimee Stewart for the artwork. The true masculine is awakening, the true divine masculine which has been lost and forgotten, hidden behind aggression, fear, abuse, armour, lack of feelings, lack of respect, control and more. Men are waking up to...
How to Recognise Your Beloved
With thanks to Josephine Wall for the artwork Dearest beloveds – There are many ways to find our inner and outer beloved. Both the inner and outer are the same, yet different, each holding facets of our deeper masculine and feminine divine selves, each leading...