Reclaiming our Sacred Ground

Photo Copyright © Venetia Amorel

Reclaiming our Sacred Ground – for Women – 

A Sacred Sisterhood of Emergence

In person groups coming again soon.

Contact me if you wish to commission a group/weekend experience based on this work.

Welcome to  Reclaiming our Sacred Ground – for women only.

This journey is changing as our world is in upheaval, and I also am in transition  – different offerings will be available over time.  Watch this space for more information…

We celebrate our feminine emergence, share in sacred circle, follow a ritual to vision quest for our year ahead, and let go of patterns and wounds no longer needed.

Our journey is embodied, female, grounded, and earth based – we hold the philosophy that all of us have a unique part of the picture – reclaiming our true path as warriors of the heart, mothers, grandmothers, artists, teachers, leaders and more…

Women are discovering our power, our truths and our voice. Come to unfold more of your true awakening self in the safety of this circle.

  • A deep enquiry into how we can reclaim our birthright as women in this world
  • How we find our place now on this beautiful planet and in our bodies,
  • How we gift ourselves life and truly feel alive as women today,
  • Sharing in the growth of a new way of being which acknowledges, allows and reveres the deep feminine way.
  • The full day offers cacao ceremony to enable heart opening wisdom to enter.
  • Ceremony, sharing, setting intention, dancing, & journeying led by Anna, supported by sisters already on this journey.
  • The vision quest guides you to your own personal wisdom.
  • Art and journaling help us commit to future growth.
  • Bring food to share, open hearts to receive and give, and curiousity.
  • Magic happens on these days – you will leave with gifts -some conscious  others perhaps hidden, waiting for their time to birth!

With movement and touch, meditation and journeying, sharing, art work and journaling, we weave a deep and safe circle for us to discover our true being and relinquish old wounds we no longer need.

I have offered this growth beauty work for over ten years, and it is more needed than ever. 

Contact me for up to date information .Thankyou.

Time to Recharge, Expand, Connect & Celebrate

The groups are changing… we are slowly evolving – opening to online circles at this crucial time in the evolution of our planet and the future of our people.

I am in a time of seeding new forms of connection.  



“Anna has a really intuitive and passionate nature. I attended the last event and found it so personal and moving. Anna’s fully interactive style allows you to go to new depths and heights of yourself, whilst exploring your own path and connecting and sharing with others in a beautiful, trusting way. I felt that I got to know myself better and began to emerge through a hard layer of myself that I was struggling with. I had so much to reflect upon after leaving and it played an important part in freeing up a blockage on my journey to being more open, understanding and trusting. Just bought my ticket for the next event.”   


‘As we age in years we are convinced by many experiences & others that we no longer need play as a part of our lives. Movement, sharing & the freedom to express yourself in a safe environment is precisely what we need more of…to find ourselves again, understand & reconnect with core parts of ourselves otherwise suppressed. I have yet to find any other gathering quite so special & meaningful, that has had such a positively potent effect as when I have joined Anna at one of these group sessions. Thank you for such a wonderful positive experience.”


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