Dear Beloveds

As promised, here is the next blog based on some of my channelled and visioned experience – and a gentle reminder of some of the groups and offerings I have available for you, particularly if you live in the UK! ( 22nd Sept and 1st Oct are my next events – come if you can)
I am humbled at the growth and the intensity of these times – During this recent past I have had some profound questions and insights into all that makes us human – why are we burdened by the past? Why does it affect us now? How can we release our wounds from ancient times, from our lineage? These have been some of my questions for many years and I have explored the terrain of the ancestral lands in many ways. Each of us has within us the potential to release our past, both the individual and the collective past – and now is the time to do this, I am being told this again and again….. we no longer need to sit in the shadow of our hurt and wounded forefathers and fore mothers…… it is time to be free!
This week I had a profound experience, of feeling waves and waves of depth of fear moving beyond me, shaking my heart and soul, and allowing out the depth that I was born with, so that I could open up to more and more love – I rolled on the shores of the ocean, lay on the sands of my history, and felt the skeletons and shells that had been held in my body all these many years, and was amazed I have been able to carry these so long, I do not need them any more… I have felt the clearing and the space for the light and the love which we all are capable of feeling, I was handed a light and a key to open this door for myself and all those who come after me… I feel so honoured and humbled that I can go to such places of deep surrender so that we all can become clearer, brighter and more beautiful – this work, can be painful and sore, but it can be glorious and ecstatic when we are through… it is like cleaning a beautiful piece of stained glass and realising this is us, the beauty, the colour, the vibrant light, is who we are meant to be now. Our greys and dull shades are receding as we reach our magnificence. Believe me, I have seen and feel this now… It is who we are meant to be.
When I go to these places in such a personal way, I always come back with gifts for all of you – these gifts I will be sharing in my next Ancestral Clearing day on 1st October ( and in a smaller way on the Thursday eve of Sept 22nd)- this is in Bristol UK – I am also shaping my future online course, which is of course on how to live a most abundant and flowing life. I love to share these with you ….so keep in touch and keep watch… I will also be offering some freebies again soon, a most special meditation for meeting with mother earth and feeling her safety and abundance supporting you.
When I emerged from my own journey of release, I was given a candle and a light – and told to share and show this now – so I promise all of you, that together we can reach our own light and meet our own being, when we emerge from the history of our past – it is just that – history – and I am honoured to be a midwife of the journey towards your future radiant self.
Take a moment to reflect – who in your family is the holder of the key for your ancestral clearing? Trust your knowing, close your eyes and vision a long line of ancestors opening their doors for you, so you can find which ones are ready to be released – when you are ready, use the candle I have shared here, to light the way to how to release them now safely and completely – it may be a history of power and abuse, of distorted ideology, of limitation and drudgery – whatever it is, now is the time to face and let go, as you carry this in your dna and genes and you have chosen to do this for the healing of all humanity. The light will show you how to release them safely, and send them to the ancestral lands where they can be at peace finally. When you have done all you can, return renewed and replenished and feel the light fill you up more. It is your time, just as it is my time. We are here together to be free finally.
Contact me if you want to know more, to share a journey with me or to simply let me know your own experience… I love to connect ……
with love and grace