Reclaiming Our Sacred Ground as Women

Reclaiming Our Sacred Ground as Women

Dear Beloveds This is a post for women – and for the men who support us, a big thankyou!  You have a role to play too. Over the last few weeks I have been facing some gremlins!  Shadows of my past that have been limiting me and stopping me doing my sacred...
Blessings to all grandmothers…

Blessings to all grandmothers…

Dear Beloveds I have recently been blessed with a new role ; that of becoming a grandmother, a crone of ancient times who has a child of my lineage.  I am in such awe at this role and have been reflecting on the meaning for me at this time in my life, for it...
Life is for Living

Life is for Living

When I was younger, I used to be an observer of life. I would watch life go by, watch others seemingly living their lives to the full, following their passion or their path, and I wondered what that was like.  I did not seem to have the capacity to be in my life...
Be Whole Now!

Be Whole Now!

Photo Copyright © Venetia Amorel We are living in unprecedented times. We are being asked to step up as never before and face such chaos and confusion within our world, within our relationships, within ourselves that we are challenged, and shaken deep to our core....
Happy Equinox

Happy Equinox

Dearest beloveds Happy Equinox to you all – what does this mean to you? For me the equinox is a gateway into the divinity of nature – our new growth within and without, that seed of burgeoning life which is my vital sense of self, and which is expressed outwardly in...
The Body is a Portal to the Soul

The Body is a Portal to the Soul

Today I had a most spectacular New Moon Meditation – if that is what it can be called. I felt my body on fire – I felt my energy expand beyond belief- I felt a flow of such joyous and vibrant energy it was hard to contain it – in fact I moved, and danced a little, as...

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